
The following genetic defects can occur in Silken Windhounds

MDR1-Genetic defect:

Originally known as "Ivermectin-Intolerance of Collies".

This is a mutation in the Multidrug-Resistance Transporter (MDR1), which causes some particular ingredients of drugs to overcome the Blood-Brain-Barrier, instead of beeing retained and transported actively back into the blood as would normally be the case.

This causes neurological symptoms that can lead to the death of the dog. MDR1 is not a disease and affected dogs can live a normal life as long as they do not come into contact with these ingredients.

This genetic defect exists also in various other breeds.


CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly):

CEA is a genetically inherited alteration of the retina, that may lead to a weak vision or in the worst case to loss of sight.

CEA is inherited autosomal-recessive, which means that only dogs with two mutated genes (affected) may show this alteration. If only one gene is mutated (carrier), the retina of the dog will be normal.


Genetic tests will confirm if the dog is a carrier, affected or free of these genetic defects.